routine dental care

high quality dental care

We take pride in providing personalised, high quality dental care to maintain and enhance your smile. We believe in a preventative approach to your dental treatment. This ensures that you can maintain the highest standard of your oral health in the long term.

During your routine care, your dentist will not only examine your teeth, but also your gums and the surrounding soft tissues. We check for the early signs of decay, gum disease and screen for oral cancer.

We have recently invested in our practice to provide you with the best possible care, including the very latest Diagnostic, Intra oral Camera and X-ray systems. You and your dentist will be able personalise your preventative routine care including the intervals between check up and hygiene appointments.

Contact us

029 2081 0523

129 Cardiff Road
Taff's Well
CF15 7PP

Emergency Contact Information

Whenever possible, please contact us about dental emergencies during normal surgery hours, please get in touch as early in the day as possible.

In the case of extreme emergencies outside of normal surgery hours, please see the telephone information below:

Category Contact Information
Private Patients
Private Patients may receive urgent advice by phoning our emergency services number on
07503 197 031
Denplan Essentials Patients
For Our Denplan Essential Patients, you can receive emergency advice by calling the Denplan Helpline on 0800 844 999

Or alternatively by phoning the emergency services number on
07503 197 031
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